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Change the way you change tires

with the Auto34R tire changer


Hunter’s new Auto34R matches nearly all assemblies and wheel sizes automatically, reducing the risk of wheel damage through our innovative telescoping chassis design.




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Premium performance, compact package

Saves valuable floor space


15% smaller footprint



Reduced swing radius for arms



Flat back eliminates bulky cables



High-volume, vertical blast tank





Full control at the push of a button

Smooth & responsive diameter control

Mechanism cover removed for illustration purposes only.


Precision adjustments made easy



Rollers and tool head adjust automatically



Perfect head alignment reduces tire stress



No more sync cables or locking cylinders





Safety for tire and technician

Worry-free features


No levers or prybars



Integrated wheel lift



Polymer toolhead and rollers



Simple push-button controls





Send a message to your local Hunter business consultant to schedule a free on-site demo. 


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Explore more about the Auto34R and your local team will be ready to assist whenever you are ready.




Start changing the way you change tires.


Push-button controls

Safe for technician & tire

Small footprint



Explore further

Growth of Difficult Tire and Wheel Fitments

Industry Insight

Expert assembly goes into each alignment system, alignment console, tire changer, balancer, brake lathe and other components.


WalkAway™ from your tire changer

WalkAway™ from your tire changer to perform other tasks while it automatically demounts the tire.

Hunter service

Largest in the industry

Hunter deploys the largest service force of highly-qualified representatives in the industry.

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